HD Video Sales Still Slow

This data might be a little biased — it was commissioned by Sony — but according to a Nielsen VideoScan Blu-Ray is outselling HD DVD by 9 to 2, with only The Departed in the HD video top ten.

Among the numbers revealed: as of March 18, VideoScan put the cumulative number of Blu-ray titles sold since the format’s inception at 844,000 units, versus HD DVD at 708,600.

Strangely enough, HD video sales hovered around 1,000 pieces per week, on average, with Babel selling 880 pieces during the week ending 3/18/2007. What does this tell us, in general? That both standards are feeling the pains of introducing a new media, both standards are selling, but not well, and that the war is far from over.

Sony Report Reveals First Look at Absolute Blu-ray and HD DVD Disc Sales Figures [HiDefDigest]