TV 2.0 Should Be Easy: An Interview with Paul Cleghorn of Tape It Off The Internet

TechCrunch UK’s Mike Butcher has written a long post about the future of TV on the internet based on an exclusive interview with Paul Cleghorn, the founder of the new TV aggregation site Tape It Off the Internet. Our previous coverage of TIOTI is here.

Cleghorn’s primary contention is that bringing TV online will be much easier than has been the music industry’s experience. His project, TIOTI searches and smartly scrapes iTunes, AOL video, Amazon’s Unbox service and BitTorrent for links to available TV shows. The end result is a feature rich aggregation site that Cleghorn intends to sell ads on. He says it’s like “TiVo for the Internet.”

It’s a long and detailed post worth checking out – while you’re there you should check out the rest of the work being done by team TechCrunch UK. They’re doing a good job over there.