
Do we really need a $340, Wi-Fi enabled toaster?

If you’ve heard of Tineco, it’s probably because the 24-year-old company has been making vacuums and hair dryers for a hot minute. The company’s next product is a $339 toaster that c

Revolution Cooking’s R180 Smart Toaster delivers smarter, faster toasting — for a price

A lot of the past decade in smart home gadgets has been figuring out just how smart we actually want our appliances to be. In a lot of cases when it comes to cooking, the old ways are best, and smart

Smart toasters are here

My favorite thing, hands down, about the Griffin Connected Toaster is the slider on the app. On one side is an icon of a white piece of bread. On the other, is one that’s all black. Sure, a smart to

Round-up: Top 5 of the cutest Japanese gadgets of the last 2 weeks

Japan released a number of super-cute gadgets and electronic devices in the last days. Here are the top five. Top 5: Fragrance case for earphones Marubeni Infotech has announced the “Fragrance C

This Toaster Is So Metal, It Has A Skull AND Crossbones

When I first saw this device, I was utterly convinced that blood and drop D tuning must pour out of it on an “as-needed” basis. Then I realized that it was just a toaster and proceeded to

Dazzling Toaster Amps

Why bother playing covers of Quadrophenia on a regular amp when you can kick it 1950’s style? These toaster amps from Hottie Amps come with a hella-sweet paint job and crank out tunes from any instr