sponsored stories

Judge Approves Facebook’s $20M “Sponsored Stories” Settlement

A U.S. District judge has <a target="_blank" href="http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/08/26/net-us-facebook-privacy-settlement-idUSBRE97P0VG20130826">granted final approval</a> to a settlement in whi

Native Ads In 2013: Scale, Headlines As Banners, Mobile, Samsung, And Yahoo

<b>Editor’s note:</b> <em>Dan Greenberg is the founder & CEO of Sharethrough, the native video advertising company. </em> Five months ago, I published an article on TechCrunch that provided

Facebook Q2: Ad Sales Of $992M, Creeps Up To 84% Of $1.18B Revenue Total

Facebook is making a big effort to diversify its revenue generation into areas like payments around gaming and other services, but today the game is still ads-ads-ads, and it's growing. In its <a targ

Facebook Earns 58% More Per Ad Than Last Year, Mobile Ads Clicked 4X More Than Twitter Ads

Facebook yesterday saw a <a target="_blank" href="http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/07/17/us-facebook-shares-idUSBRE86G10G20120717">decline</a> in share price on a report of falling user numbers in