
Quince launches out of beta with new ‘manufacturer-to-customer’ model

The retail landscape is shifting rapidly. While D2C brands have changed the way we shop, Quince is looking to change retail even more dramatically. The brand, which raised $8.5 million in seed funding

Meet the new Nom, a food lover’s photo-sharing dream

People will never stop talking on the internet about what’s for dinner. The massive reach and engagement of new media properties like Tastemade, which offers short video cooking lessons, or BuzzFeed

Videos: Super-mobile rescue robot Quince

<img src="http://www.crunchgear.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/05/quince.png" /> This is one of the coolest <a href="http://search.beta.techcrunch.com/query.php?s=rescue+robot">rescue robots</a> I've ev