pc world

Internet Killed The Magazine Star

I've been musing on whether or not to weigh in on the demise of <a target="_blank" href="http://techland.time.com/2013/07/11/pcworld-exits-print-and-the-era-of-computer-magazines-ends/">PC World</a>,

To Bookmark This PCWorld Article On The Future Of Browsers, Just Lick Your Screen

<p style="text-align:center;"><img class="aligncenter" src="http://tctechcrunch.files.wordpress.com/2010/06/opera-april-fools1.png" alt="" /></p> Some people dislike April Fools Day. We <a href="https

Harry McCracken Returns To PC World

Oh snap! Guess who’s back at PC World? That’s right, Phil Harry McCracken is back at the magazine, now as Editor In Chief and Vice President. This comes after a huge storm over at PC World

Negative Apple Article, Ad Pressure Leads to PC World Editor Resignation: Commoner Than We Think?

This is more meta than we’re used to ’round here, but PC World‘s editor, Harry McCracken, just quit the magazine because he planned to write an article called “Ten Things We Ha

Top Five Vista Annoyances, Courtesy PC World

Regular readers by now know that I bag on Vista from time to time. It’s true, I do. But I’m the kind of guy who’s main irritation comes from things that could be better, but aren&#82