lawn mower

Plowz and Mowz raise $1.5 million from LA-based Science for on-demand landscaping services

Launching with a marketplace for landscaping, snow plowing and other home care and repair services, Plowz & Mowz has raised $1.5 million from the Los Angeles-based startup studio Science and undi

The Husqvarna Panthera Leo Concept mower

This, folks, is the lawn mower of the future according to Husqvarna. The Panthera Leo is made out of recycled materials and is equipped with five electric motors. Yes, electric. This mower doesn&#8217

‘Mowercycle’ looks pretty sweet, though it still doesn’t make me want to mow the lawn

Know what’s great about owning a home? Nothing. Just ask me, I used to own one. In retrospect, I should have just bought a gigantic hole and a cheap shovel and set aside a weekend to scoop five year