
Entocycle grabs $5 million for its insect breeding technology

Even if insects don’t sound appealing to you, black soldier flies could play an essential role in the food chain in the coming years. In particular, these flies’ larvae can become an important sou

MeliBio’s honey production, minus the bee, will have you buzzing

The company is making real honey with precision fermentation and plant science.

MIT’s insect-sized drones are built to survive collisions

Insects are a lot of things — but fragile they’re not. Sure, most can’t withstand the full force of a human foot, but for their size, they’ve evolved to be extremely rugged and resilie

Bored scientists create radio-controlled beetles

<img src="" />Nope, your eyes aren't broken or anything: that's a beetle with a circuit board snapped into place. It's the DARPA-funded <

Frequency from Nintendo Wii attracts cockroaches?

This is a new one. Apparently the Nintendo Wii gives off a frequency that attracts cockroaches. This information comes from Japanese web site Barks and has been reported by The Register. Is it true? I

Gotcha! Spider Torture

Alright, I’ll admit it. I’m arachnophobic. It’s like my only fear. Well that and germs. But that’s the only other thing. Aside from little people and gingers, though those aren