
Twitmatic Lets You Channel Surf Videos From Twitter

<img src="http://tctechcrunch.files.wordpress.com/2009/03/twitmatic-screen-215x122.jpg" width="215" height="122" /> Just because it is shared on Twitter doesn't make it good. Nevertheless, <a href="

ffwd's Web Channel Surfing API Goes Live, Is Coming To Boxee

<a href="http://www.ffwd.com"><img src="https://techcrunch.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/01/754v2-max-250x250.png" class="shot2" /></a> Video recommendation engine <a href="http://www.ffwd.com">ffwd</a

Three DEMO Companies To Keep An Eye On

This week we're going to see dozens of companies launch new products. Here are a few of the companies presenting this week at DEMO that are showing some strong potential: <a href="http://www.ffwd.c

ffwd: Channel Surfing Comes To The Web… And Your Wii

Channel surfing has a bad rap, at least according to iLike co-founder Patrick Koppula. Koppula says that this time honored tradition of staring at the television and repeatedly hitting a button is act