apple television

Apple abandons its car: Here are other projects the company has killed

Apple has scrapped plans to enter the automotive industry with its mysterious autonomous electric car, instead shifting focus to the wildly popular world of generative AI. The project saw the company

Apple plans unscripted, app-focused show for its first original TV content

Apple’s plans for its first original TV show don’t make it sound like a swing-for-the-fences, House of Cards-style project. Instead, it’s working on an unscripted TV series about ap

Following Investment From Curious Pictures, PlaySquare Debuts “Touchable TV” iPad Apps For Kids

For producers of children's television, the iPad is the device that finally lets them break through the <a target="_blank" href="">fourth wall</a> in order to

How Will Apple Do Without “What Would Steve Do”?

A few days ago, I wrote about the possibilities for <a href="">Steve Jobs' final "One more thing..."</a> It seems pretty clear at this point that when he passed