
How APIs Help Us Comprehend The Infinite Concept Of Data

Data is like oil. It only has a future value just sitting in a big pool. “Pure data,” as my fellow panelists said Friday night at API Days, has not proven to have much market play. I agree

Facebook And The Sudden Wake Up About The API Economy

What a two weeks it’s been. Something happened that has been simmering for a while. The API market exploded. Intel bought Mashery for more than $180 million and CA acquired Layer 7. 3Scale recei

3Scale Discounts Cost Of Managing APIs Through Nginx Open-Source Server, Gives Developers Access, Services, Quality

<a target="_blank" href="http://www.3scale.net/">3Scale</a> has discounted the cost for managing APIs in the enterprise through a new plug-in it has added to <a target="_blank" href="http://wiki.nginx

3scale raises $800k for plug-and-play infrastructure solutions for Web APIs

<img src="http://www.techcrunchit.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/04/3scale.gif" class="shot2" /><a href="http://www.3scale.net/">3scale Networks</a>, a Barcelona, Spain-based provider of API management s

Manage Your API Infrastructure With 3scale Networks

<img src="https://techcrunch.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/11/3scale.jpg" /> Barcelona-based <a href="http://www.3scale.net">3scale Networks</a> has just <a href="http://blog.3scale.net/2008/11/18/we-a