Latest Firefox 4 Beta for Android sheds some file weight, outruns the default browser

If you’ve been riding along with Mozilla through Firefox 4’s Beta period on either Android or Maemo, it’s time for a refresh. Just a few minutes ago, the team pushed out a rather hefty upgrade.

The new goods:

  • Localization: It’s now available in 10 different languages
  • Page loads are 40% faster than in the last build, and the SunSpider Javascript benchmark is clocking this one in at 25% faster than Android’s stock browser
  • Minor tweaks: Recently closed tabs can now be reopened, the memory usage requirements have been decreased, Geolocation support in Android, and “Improved Text Spacing”
  • This build takes up about 60% less filespace, though you’ve have to do the uninstall/reinstall dance if you’re coming from an old build and want that space back.
  • Multitouch zoom has been polished up for speed and accuracy

Ready to check it out? Here’s the download page.