BookLover app: an app for book lovers

BookLover is a $0.99 app for the iPhone for people who love books. It looks at first glance like an iPhone version of Delicious Library, which I’ve never used. You can organize books — complete with book cover art and in some cases a synopsis — on your virtual bookshelf. You can take notes on books you’ve read, or perhaps jot a note reminding you about who you loaned your copy to. You can post your notes directly to your FaceBook wall or email them to a friend. And BookLover can recommend other books for you to read.

I find it hard to justify the use of a dedicated application for making what is essentially a list of things: the built in note taking application on the iPhone works just fine for that purpose, for me. The addition of cover art is neat, and being able to drag-and-drop books on the virtual bookshelf to organize them is handy if you have a large list of books pending to be read. I don’t, which is why the plain old Notes app is fine.

If you’re a bibliophile, give BookLover a shot.