Comment on the Russian President's new video blog. Just don't mention gas…

Perhaps taking a cue from the Downing Street YouTube Channel, where punters are leaving questions for the UK Prime Minister, Russia’s President has opened a video dialogue with citzens on his blog, reports Russian startup Quintura. The video is even translated into English.

It’s clearly a growing trend. The Kazakh Prime Minister, in power since 1989, has actually ordered his ministers to set up blogs. They are in for a surprise. The Kazakh government has never been democratically elected nor re-elected. Watch those comments coming in…

In the UK, Gordon has precisely ZERO comments on most of his posts, e.g here’s one on interest rates. Perhaps Peter Mandelson will fair better with his brand new avatar in Second Life?

Dmitry Medvedev, meanwhile, appears to have plenty coming in. Just don’t ask about gas supplies or the Ukraine.