Mobile Campus Survey: Budget Blues on Campus

mobilecampus.jpgBudgets are something that many college students have to deal with, and students will look for ways to make ends meet. This week Mobile Campus, a provider of mobile communications, information and transactional services for university students, announced the findings from their recent Vizu poll. According to the survey, students frequently look to save money by utilizing the exclusive discounts offered to them as students. The Internet remains the preferred channel for accessing these discounts, but a small minority are already receiving discount offers via text messages to their mobile phones.

Of course we have to take some of these findings with a grain of salt (or possibly several grains of salt), as text messaging is channel of delivery that already being used by Mobile Campus to target college students. But with many college students relying on mobile phones as their primary — and often only phone — it is no surprise that marketers will seriously target college students via text messages.

Mobile Campus