Popuri: Lots of Stats For Any Site

If you want to see quick statistics on a website, check out newly launched Popuri. You’ll quickly see Google Page Rank, Alexa Rank, number of backlinks on Google, Yahoo and Live.com, Technorati inbound links, del.icio.us bookmarks and number of bloglines subscribers. You can also see whois information on the domain.

Some of the data isn’t correct (del.icio.us and bloglines on our domain), and the server is more than a bit shaky. But after things settle down, this will be a good way to get a quick snapshot of basic website statistics. Another good tool to gather this data, if you are a Firefox user, is the SEO for Firefox extension. If you find that you are looking for data on a lot of sites as you surf the web, the extension will be far more efficient.

Suggestions: allow multiple domains to be included and generate a basic table comparison. It would also be useful if Popuri could generate a permanent URL for any search. Statsaholic should also be including a lot of this data.